Please email Samantha at for any information regarding Religious Ed.
2024-2025 RE Registration form (pdf)
DownloadCheck out all the fun we had in 2022Vacation Bible School!
Samantha Matthews
Kindergarten- 5th grade (Wednesday):
Kindergarten - Elizabeth Bato Grade 1 - Assunta Napolitano
Grade 2 - Natalie Gibb Grade 3 -Jacquelyn Tabony
Grade 4 - Eimeri Cabrera Grade 5 - Michelle & Gabriel Pastrana
Middle & High School (Sunday):
Grade 6/7 Corinne and Jimmy Hundley
Confirmation Yr 1&2 Delanie Miller Sacramental Preparation - Michale Dudley
Sacramental Prep:
Sacramental Preparation is a special time for your child and your family. It is an experience that solely focuses on the meaning and value of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Sacramental Prep is a two year process no matter what age children begin. The preparation process begins in Faith Formation. Children participate in Faith Formation either in Catholic school or at a parish. Children are ready to participate in Sacramental Prep in their second year of Faith Formation.
Children are ready to start preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion if they are:
The first educators in the faith are parents. It is parents, above all others, who establish in their children to the presence of God, to the practice of prayer and to the patterns of life in the community of faith, the parish. By their example in the home, and in their participation in the Mass and other sacraments, the foundations of life-long faith and discipleship in their children are laid down.
As a Church, WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER, and consider it a blessing, to grow closer to God. The catechists provide a "key" to open the children to the love of God and the riches of our Faith.
We will do our part and ask as parents do your part in working with your child/ren.
-JOHN 14:6
The RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a 4-stage process that is followed by adults who are entering the Catholic Church, or those who are just thinking about it.
James Ezelle
If you think you might like to explore the Catholic faith, call the church office (904) 246-6014, and someone on the RCIA team will contact you.
In the Inquiry Stage, people learn about Jesus, Christianity, and the Catholic Church.
The main task of this stage is for people to explore and develop their faith enough so they can make an informed initial decision about entering the Catholic Church. The final decision will not come for a long time, when they actually enter the church at Easter and receive the sacraments of initiation.
The focus of this stage is to learn about the faith, how to live as a Christian, and to develop your interior life. Candidates will come into closer contact with the Living God and learn more about the Catholic faith.
This stage of intense reflection calls the candidates to a deeper conversion in preparation for their renewal at Easter. This is the purpose of the season of Lent, but it has a special intensity for them this year as they are entering the Church and receiving the sacraments of initiation at Easter.
This stage of Mystagogy during Easter is for continued reflection about the sacraments the candidates received at Easter, especially the Eucharist. The Mass and the Eucharist are the "source and summit" of the Christian life in the Catholic Church. This period is designed to help all of the new Catholics understand, appreciate, and live more deeply this center of Catholicism.