Click on a file below for this quarters Ministry Schedule
John Gilmore
If you would like to be a Extraordinary Minister:
The administration of Holy Communion during the Mass is truly a ministry. It is the ministry of bringing the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the People of God. It is also the ministry of witnessing to faith in the real presence of Christ in the action of sharing in the Eucharistic meal of Christ’s sacrifice. The ministry of the Eucharist should, therefore, be treated with utmost dignity and reverence.
Can anyone be a Eucharistic Minister?
Anyone who is a Baptized and Confirmed Catholic, fifteen years of age or older, are eligible for this ministry. They should be persons who sincerely try to live the Gospel message in their communal and individual lives.
Do you have 60 minutes to make a difference in the life of homebound parishioners? We bring the Gospel message, communion, and a sense of community to Catholics at Anthem Lakes, Fleet Landing Health Care buildings and parishioners convalescing at home. Any adult practicing Catholic can volunteer.
For more information email Barbara Schuman or call the office.
Art & Debbie Corsano
Once registered at St john's, if you would like to be a Lector please call the Parish office and we will send your info to FR Rafael & the Corsano's.
All new candidates for lector must receive training.
All the faithful, especially those who will serve as lectors should be properly trained on the following:
Corinne Hundley
The church hospitality ministry is the first representation of the church that people come across. However, they are more than the welcome committee..
The hospitality ministry has many layers that make up the body of the congregation.
Contact the parish office (@ 904-246-6014) to schedule training.
Fred Hidalgo
Please let the Parish office know if your child/ren would like to be an altar server, we will forward your information to Fred and he will get in contact with you.
Altar servers are a vital part of the liturgical ministry. They are vital because altar servers perform not just a functional role but a symbolic role and symbolism is the language of worship. Their actions in the Mass are symbolic of much more than you think and the way they serve can lead people closer to God.
The role of the Altar Server is to assist the Priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass.
Some of the Altar Server responsibilities include:
An altar server must attend training before being allowed to serve Mass. After servers have completed training they are presented with a set of instructions covering the fundamentals of serving Mass.
All servers, should vest in alb and cincture as well as a cross necklace, all items are provided and are in the altar server sacristy. Altar servers are expected to conduct themselves in a reverent and respectful fashion. For Mass, servers should be in the sacristy and vested at least 10 minutes before Mass. Duties after Mass require another 10 minutes.